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Main GUI: Display Panel

The display panel is currently by far the most complex single panel of the main GUI window, divided into six pages (subpanels), each dealing with a related subset of display-related settings.

Page 1: Axis labels and limits

Figure 1: The first page of the Display panel of the Main GUI of the TA Toolbox. Axis labels and limits.

Both axis labels and axis limits can be set manually for all three axes.

The axis labels can be determined from the currently active dataset (if possible), the axis limits are normally set to “automatic”, meaning that they are optimised to fit all currently visible datasets into the axes.

Page 2: Grid, Legend, Normalize, Highlighting

Figure 2: The second page of the Display panel of the Main GUI of the TA Toolbox. Grid, Legend, Normalize, Highlighting.


A zero line is displayed by default in case of the 1D representations (but not for the 2D display), grids in x and y direction can be added independently, and the minor grid can be added (simultaneously for both axes).

In this particular case, x and y refers to the abscissa and ordinate of the current display, not to the x, y, and z dimensions of the dataset, as everywhere else.


Legends are only displayed in 1D mode. You can determine the legend position manually (NW, NE, SW, SE) or let Matlab® determine what it thinks is the “optimal” position.


As signal intensity of TREPR spectra depends in a far from straightforward way on a couple of both experimental (i.e., related to the current setup) and inherent (overlap and thus cancellation of absorptive and emissive lines in the spectrum) parameters, it normally cannot be used for quantitative analysis of the spectra.

Therefore, to directly compare, e.g., the decay of two different time traces, or the shape of two different spectra, normalisation of the datasets is quite helpful.

The two different types of normalisation provided with the GUI here is peak-peak and amplitude normalisation, whereas the former sets the complete peak-to-peak-amplitude to one, the latter the amplitude measured between zero and maximum.

Highlight of current dataset

To be able to distinguish between the currently active and other visible datasets, by default the currently active dataset is highlighted with blue colour, with all other datasets displayed with black lines.

Here, both method and value for the given method of highlighting can be controlled, and one can switch off the highlighting completely. The latter is of special interest for exporting figures, where no highlighting of the “currently active dataset” is necessary, and indeed rather confusing.

Page 3: Line settings

Figure 3: The third page of the Display panel of the Main GUI of the TA Toolbox. Line settings.

To distinguish between different (visible) datasets, the line settings of each dataset can be controlled as far as Matlab® allows to do so, meaning line colour, width, style, and marker.

Please note: If “highlight currently active” is switched on, it will most probably interfere with the settings. Therefore, if the line settings seem not to work properly, you should switch of the highlighting as a first step.

To show only the (unconnected) data points, set “Style” to none and choose from one of the “Markers”.

Page 4: Export figure & 1D datasets

Figure 4: The fourth page of the Display panel of the Main GUI of the TA Toolbox. Export figure & 1D datasets

What is a GUI worth that does not allow to save the current display in an easy way to a file?

Export figure

To export the current display to a file, choose the file type (currently Matlab® FIG, EPS, PDF, PNG) and hit <key>Export</key>.

The “Format” popupmenu allows to specify a format (aspect ratio, size of the graphics) that makes it easier to use the saved figures, e.g., in reports. These formats can be fully customised using the fig2file.ini file in the same directory as the fig2file function.

Export 1D data

This function allows the user to save the currently active 1D dataset as ASCII data, mainly for further analysis and processing in other software.

Page 5: 3D display

Figure 5: The fifth page of the Display panel of the Main GUI of the TA Toolbox. 3D display.

A 3D representation of 2D datasets (with intensity as third dimension) is sometimes used for an overview of a given 2D dataset. The 3D display panel allows the user to generate such datasets, that are normally restricted in their resolution (as a full 200×500 point or even larger dataset will be quite huge and slow in display).

Furthermore, these 3D views can be exported in the same way as the main display. To export the current 3D display to a file, choose the file type (currently Matlab® FIG, EPS, PDF, PNG) and hit <key>Export</key>.

Please note: If you just hit <key>Export</key> without having an actual 3D display window, no figure will be exported.

The “Format” popupmenu allows to specify a format (aspect ratio, size of the graphics) that makes it easier to use the saved figures, e.g., in reports. These formats can be fully customised using the fig2file.ini file in the same directory as the fig2file function.

Page 6: Thresholds

Figure 6: The sixth page of the Display panel of the Main GUI of the TA Toolbox. Thresholds.


Allow to set a threshold in y (on a per dataset basis).

en/software/matlab/ta/doc/gui/main/display.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/30 21:35 by