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TA Toolbox

A MATLAB™ toolbox for preprocessing, display, analysis, and postprocessing of transient absorption (flash photolysis) data.

License GNU LGPL v3
Programming language MATLAB®
Status production/stable
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7395925

Features: Completely GUI based. All functions can be accessed via a convenient graphical user interface. But don't worry: All these functions are still available at the Matlab™ command line. More features

Just a first impression of what the whole thing looks like…

Got interested? Want to see more? Take a look at the GUI and it's subwindows.


A rather incomprehensive list…

  • Completely GUI based
  • All functions accessible via CLI
  • Modular design
  • Load diverse data formats1)
  • Display modes: 2D and 1D (x, y)
  • Highly configurable display options
  • Preprocessing (combine, accumulate)
  • Measuring points and distances
  • Averaging (with error bars)
  • Analysis of MFEs
  • Info GUI for datasets2)
  • Fitting arbitrary functions (1D)
  • Integrated help
  • Exporting data
  • Exporting display3)
  • >100 Bugs (mostly unidentified)


Apologies, currently there is no stable release available. See the development page for more details.

If you're still interested in downloading: ZIP archive of the current developer's version. Please note: You've been warned that it will contain many bugs.

Latest development release: v.0.0.38 (2015-11-03).

Please note: Run the installer after you updated to a new version to update your configuration. You will not loose your personal settings. Take care that it can write path and config files.

System requirements

  • Matlab 2012a (7.14) or newer (only tested with 2010a and newer)
  • Minimum screen dimensions of 1280×800 px

<note warning>Please note: Currently, using Matlab 2014b is highly discouraged, due to MathWorks having changed completely the graphics subsystem. I'm currently working on improving the situation, but cannot promise any success soon.</note>

More information

You might as well be interested in the following:

  • Documentation
    Howtos, installing and configuring the toolbox, introduction to the different GUI windows.
Due to its modular design, you can easily add own importer routines for your specific file formats.
The toolbox data format is designed to store all necessary information about a measurement.
Freely configurable output formats for different paper sizes and purposes.
en/software/matlab/ta/index.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/04 15:15 by till