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Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Central element of the new toolbox (since v.0.3) is a graphical user interface (GUI). This GUI does in no way replace the old functions that were called from the command line (CLI), but makes it easy to access and use them via a graphical interface.


The GUI consists of a main window allowing the user to open additional windows to perform more complex tasks on a given dataset. To give the user simple and fast access to the GUI and its functions, all these different windows are listed in the following, together with links to a more in-depth documentation for each of it.

  • Main trEPR GUI window
    This window gets called from the Matlab® command line and is the main interface between user and toolbox. From here, you have full access to all functions of the toolbox and its different subwindows.
  • BLC GUI window: (advanced) background correction
    The (advanced) background correction of datasets allows for background correction besides simple subtraction of the average of the first five time profiles from each time profile, such as linear drift (and background) correction.

More windows will be added as soon as the corresponding GUI windows are functional and have a somewhat stable layout.

Note: Every GUI window provides (normally) its own in-built help that can be consistently accessed using a small button:

Hilfeknopf der trEPRgui-Fenster

This in-built help is usually the most up-to-date and accurate source of information regarding the respective GUI.


More background, e.g. reasons for the complete new implementation of most parts of the toolbox, the ideas and concepts behind this process, can be found in the developer's documentation (German only).

en/software/matlab/trepr/doc/gui/index.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/30 21:35 by