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Accumulation (ACC)

Accumulation of datasets

Figure 1: ACC GUI window. As with the main GUI window, the control elements are located in different overlapping panels on the right side of the window. To switch between these panels, use the buttons that are located above the panels, ore keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl-1…3).
Figure 2: Overview over the different panels of the ACC-GUI. The three panels divide the accumulation process in three logical steps: Selection of datasets for accumulation, set accumulation parameters, review results.
Figure 3: Help window of the ACC GUI. The help window can be accessed either via the button labeled with the blue question mark on the lower right side of the main axes, or, alternatively, by pressing F1. On top of the help window you can find a popup menu for choosing the help topic.

Keyboard shortcuts

There are a number of keyboard shortcuts to help making working with the GUI more convenient. These shortcuts are (as much as possible) identical for every subwindow.

Switch between panels
Switch between display modi (1D along x,y; 2D)
Close GUI
en/software/matlab/trepr/doc/gui/acc/index.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/30 21:35 by