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Normally, you want to have just one single instance of a GUI window running. This is the so-called “singleton” concept.

There are several reasons why you normally want to make sure that only one instance of a particular GUI window can exist at a given time:

  • GUI windows are quite expensive in terms of resources.
  • The user gets easily confused if several instances are open at the same time.
  • You will easily get confused (or particularly your code) if several instances of a GUI window try to write data back to the main GUI.

The solution to these problems is to make sure that only one instance of a GUI window will be open at a given time.

Coding example

The good news is: It is quite easy to make use of the singleton concept within Matlab™. Here is how:

function mySingletonGUI
% MYSINGLETONGUI A GUI window stub demonstrating the singleton concept
% in Matlab(tm).
% (c) 2012, Till Biskup
% 2012-05-31
%  Construct the components
% Make GUI effectively a singleton
singleton = findobj('Tag',mfilename);
if (singleton)
%  Construct the components
hMainFigure = figure('Tag',mfilename,...
    'Name','My singleton GUI',...
    'NumberTitle','off', ...

Although it appears to be quite a bit of code, the crucial part is only a very few lines. But besides that, what you see in the listing above is an example of a generic GUI function.

Please note: Although the above example will just create and open a pretty boring (empty) figure window, it is a working and tested example.

How does it all work?

The basic idea is to give your main GUI window (the one that you create with the figure command) a unique name, called “Tag”.

At the beginning of your GUI function, you just search for an object with that tag (via findobj). If the search returns a value, just bring that figure to focus (simply calling figure() with the respective figure handle as argument) and return.

That's it.

en/software/matlab/trepr/dev/gui/singleton.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/30 21:35 by