


  author = 	 {Greg Wilson AND D. A. Aruliah AND C. Titus Brown AND Neil P. Chue Hong AND Matt Davis AND Richard T. Guy AND Steven H. D. Haddock AND Kathryn D. Huff AND Ian M. Mitchell AND Mark D. Plumbley AND Ben Waugh AND Ethan P. White AND Paul Wilson},
  title = 	 {Best practices for scientific computing},
  journal =	 PLOSBIOL,
  year = 	 {2014},
  volume = 	 {12},
  pages = 	 {e1001745}

  author = 	 {Janna Hastings AND Kenneth Haug AND Christoph Steinbeck},
  title = 	 {Ten recommendations for software engineering in research},
  journal =	 GIGASCI,
  year = 	 {2014},
  volume = 	 {3},
  pages = 	 {31}

  author = 	 {Edsger W. Dijkstra},
  title = 	 {The humble programmer},
  journal =	 CACM,
  year = 	 {1972},
  volume = 	 {15},
  pages = 	 {859--865}

  author = 	 {Edsger W. Dijkstra},
  title = 	 {Go to statement considered harmful},
  journal =	 CACM,
  year = 	 {1968},
  volume = 	 {11},
  pages = 	 {147--148}

  author = 	 {Corrado B{\"o}hm AND Giuseppe Jacopini},
  title = 	 {Flow diagrams, turing machines and languages with only two formation rules},
  journal =	 CACM,
  year = 	 {1966},
  volume = 	 {9},
  pages = 	 {366--371}

  author = 	 {Robert W. Floyd},
  title = 	 {The paradigms of programming},
  journal =	 CACM,
  year = 	 {1979},
  volume = 	 {22},
  pages = 	 {455--460}

  author = 	 {Zeeya Merali},
  title = 	 {...why scientific programming does not compute},
  journal =	 N,
  year = 	 {2010},
  volume = 	 {467},
  pages = 	 {775--777}

  author = 	 {Susan M. Baxter AND Steven W. Day AND Jacquelyn S. Fetrow AND Stephanie J. Reisinger},
  title = 	 {Scientific software development is not an oxymoron},
  journal =	 PLOSCB,
  year = 	 {2006},
  volume = 	 {2},
  pages = 	 {e87}

  author = 	 {Greg Wilson},
  title = 	 {Software carpentry. Getting scientists to write better code by making them more productive},
  journal =	 CSE,
  year = 	 {2006},
  volume = 	 {8},
  pages = 	 {66--69}

  author = 	 {Greg Wilson},
  title = 	 {What should computer scientists teach to physical scientists and engineers?},
  journal =	 IEEECSE,
  year = 	 {1996},
  volume = 	 {3},
  pages = 	 {46--55}

  author       = {Michael S. Mahoney},
  title        = {The roots of software engineering},
  journal      = CWIQ,
  year         = {1990},
  volume       = {3},
  pages        = {325--334},
  url          = {}

  author  = {F. P. J. Brooks},
  title   = {No Silver Bullet Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering},
  journal = COMP,
  year    = {1987},
  volume  = {20},
  pages   = {10--19}

  author  = {Nancy G. Leveson AND Clark S. Turner},
  title   = {An investigation of the {Therac-25} accidents},
  journal = COMP,
  year    = {1993},
  volume  = {26},
  pages   = {18--41}

  author  = {Ole-Johan Dahl AND Kristen Nygaard},
  title   = {{SIMULA}---an {ALGOL}-based simulation language},
  journal = CACM,
  year    = {1966},
  volume  = {9},
  pages   = {671--678}

  author  = {John McCarthy},
  title   = {Recursive functions on symbolic expressions and their computation by machine, part {I}},
  journal = CACM,
  year    = {1960},
  volume  = {3},
  pages   = {184--195}

  author  = {Carole Goble},
  title   = {Better software, better research},
  journal = IEEEIC,
  year    = {2014},
  volume  = {18},
  issue   = {5},
  pages   = {4--8}

  author  = {Andreas Prli{\'c} AND James B. Procter},
  title   = {Ten simple rules for the open development of scientific software},
  journal = PLOSCB,
  year    = {2012},
  volume  = {8},
  pages   = {e1002802}

  author  = {De Roure, David AND Carole Goble},
  title   = {Software design for empowering scientists},
  journal = IEEESW,
  year    = {2009},
  volume  = {26},
  pages   = {88--95}

  title = 			{Software Engineering: Report of a conference sponsored by the NATO Science Committee, Garmisch, Germany, 7-11 Oct. 1968},
  year = 			{1969},
  editor = 			{P. Naur AND B. Randell},
  address =		 	{Brussels},
  organization = 	{NATO, Scientific Affairs Division}

  title = 			{Software Engineering Techniques: Report of a conference sponsored by the NATO Science Committee, Rome, Italy, 27-31 Oct. 1969},
  year = 			{1970},
  editor = 			{B. Randell AND J.N. Buxton},
  address =		 	{Brussels},
  organization = 	{NATO, Scientific Affairs Division}

  author  = {Darrel C. Ince AND Leslie Hatton AND John Graham-Cumming},
  title   = {The case for open computer programs},
  journal = N,
  year    = {2012},
  volume  = {482},
  pages   = {485--488}

  author = 	 	 {Brian W. Kernighan AND P. J. Plauger},
  title = 	 	 {The Elements of Programming Style},
  publisher = 	 {McGraw-Hill},
  edition =      {{Second Edition}},
  year = 	 	 {1978},
  address = 	 {New York}

  author = 	 	 {Martin Fowler},
  title = 	 	 {Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture},
  publisher = 	 {Addison Wesley},
  year = 	 	 {2003},
  address = 	 {Boston}

  author = 	 	 {Eric Evans},
  title = 	 	 {Domain-Driven Design},
  publisher = 	 {Addison Wesley},
  year = 	 	 {2004},
  address = 	 {Boston}

  author = 	 	 {Bertrand Meyer},
  title = 	 	 {Object-Oriented Software Construction},
  publisher = 	 {Prentice Hall PTR},
  year = 	 	 {1997},
  address = 	 {Upper Saddle River, New Jersey}

  author = 	 	 {Christopher Alexander AND Sara Ishikawa AND Murray Silverstein},
  title = 	 	 {A Pattern Language},
  publisher = 	 {Oxford University Press},
  year = 	 	 {1977},
  address = 	 {New York}

  author = 	 	 {Craig Larman},
  title = 	 	 {Applying {UML} and Patterns},
  publisher = 	 {Prentice Hall},
  year = 	 	 {2005},
  address = 	 {Upper Saddle River, New Jersey}

  author  = {James A. Whittaker},
  title   = {What is software testing? And why is it so hard?},
  journal = IEEESW,
  year    = {2000},
  number  = {1},
  volume  = {17},
  pages   = {70--79}

  author  = {Robert C. Martin},
  title   = {Professionalism and test-driven development},
  journal = IEEESW,
  year    = {2007},
  number  = {3},
  volume  = {24},
  pages   = {32--36}

  author  = {Thomas J. McCabe},
  title   = {A complexity measure},
  journal = IEEETSE,
  year    = {1976},
  volume  = {2},
  pages   = {308--320}

  author = 	 {Andrew Collette},
  title = 	 {{Python and HDF5}},
  publisher = 	 {O'Reilly},
  year = 	 {2014},
  address = 	 {Sebastopol}

  author = 	 {Wes McKinney},
  title = 	 {{Python for Data Analysis}},
  publisher = 	 {O'Reilly},
  year = 	 {2013},
  address = 	 {Sebastopol}

  author = 	 {Kurt W. Smith},
  title = 	 {Cython},
  publisher = 	 {O'Reilly},
  year = 	 {2015},
  address = 	 {Sebastopol}

  author = 	 {Edmund M. Hart AND Pauline Barmby AND David LeBauer AND Fran\c{c}ois Michonneau AND Sarah Mount AND Patrick Mulrooney AND Timoth{\'e}e Poisot AND Kara H. Woo AND Naupaka B. Zimmerman AND Jeffrey W. Hollister},
  title = 	 {Ten simple rules for digital data storage},
  journal =	 PLOSCB,
  year = 	 {2016},
  volume = 	 {12},
  pages = 	 {e1005097}

  author  = {Jennifer Crocker AND M. Lynne Cooper},
  title   = {Addressing scientific fraud},
  journal = SCI,
  year    = {2011},
  volume  = {334},
  pages   = {1182}

  author  = {Barbara R. Jasny AND Gilbert Chin AND Lisa Chong AND Sacha Vignieri},
  title   = {Again, and again, and again...},
  journal = SCI,
  year    = {2011},
  volume  = {334},
  pages   = {1225}

  author  = {Roger D. Peng},
  title   = {Reproducible research in computational science},
  journal = SCI,
  year    = {2011},
  volume  = {334},
  pages   = {1226--1227}

  author  = {Jill P. Mesirov},
  title   = {Accessible reproducible research},
  journal = SCI,
  year    = {2010},
  volume  = {327},
  pages   = {415--416}

  author  = {Nick Barnes},
  title   = {Publish your computer code: it is good enough},
  journal = N,
  year    = {2010},
  volume  = {467},
  pages   = {753}

  author  = {Matthias Schwab AND Martin Karrenbach AND Jon Claerbout},
  title   = {Making scientific computations reproducible},
  journal = COMPSE,
  year    = {2000},
  volume  = {2},
  pages   = {61--67}

  author = 	 {Geir Kjetil Sandve AND Anton Nekrutenko AND James Taylor AND Eivind Hovig},
  title = 	 {Ten simple rules for reproducible computational research},
  journal =	 PLOSCB,
  year = 	 {2013},
  volume = 	 {9},
  pages = 	 {e1003285}

  author = 	 {Ewa Deelman AND Gurmeet Singh AND Mei-Hui Su AND James Blythe AND Yolanda Gil AND Carl Kesselman AND Gaurang Mehta AND Karan Vahi AND G. Bruce Berriman AND John Good AND Anastasia Laity AND Joseph C. Jacob AND Daniel S. Katz},
  title = 	 {Pegasus: A framework for mapping complex scientific workflows onto distributed systems},
  journal =	 SPROG,
  year = 	 {2005},
  volume = 	 {13},
  pages = 	 {219--237}

  author = 	 {Jeremy Goecks AND Anton Nekrutenko AND James Taylor AND The Galaxy Team},
  title = 	 {Galaxy: a comprehensive approach for supporting accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational research in the life sciences},
  journal =	 GB,
  year = 	 {2010},
  volume = 	 {11},
  pages = 	 {R86}

  author = 	 {Michael Reich AND Ted Liefeld AND Joshua Gould AND Jim Lerner AND Pablo Tamayo AND Jill P Mesirov},
  title = 	 {{GenePattern 2.0}},
  journal =	 NGEN,
  year = 	 {2006},
  volume = 	 {38},
  pages = 	 {500--501}

  author = 	 {Uwe Sch{\"o}ning},
  title = 	 {{Theoretische Informatik -- kurz gefasst}},
  publisher = 	 {Spektrum Akademischer Verlag},
  year = 	 2008,
  address = 	 {Heidelberg},
  edition = 	 {5. Auflage}

  author = 	 {Kenneth Reitz AND Tanya Schlusser},
  title = 	 {The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python},
  publisher =	 {O'Reilly},
  year = 	 {2016},
  address = 	 {Sebastopol}

  editor = 	 {Paul Watzlawick AND Janet H. Beavin AND Don D. Jackson},
  title = 	 {{Menschliche Kommunikation}},
  publisher = 	 {Hogrefe},
  year = 	 2017,
  address = 	 {Bern},
  edition = 	 {13., unver{\"a}nderte Auflage}

  author = 	 {Strunk, William, Jr. AND E. B. White},
  title = 	 {The Elements of Style},
  publisher = 	 {Longman},
  edition =      {{Fourth Edition}},
  year = 	 {2000},
  address = 	 {New York}

  author = 	 {Robert C. Martin},
  title = 	 {Clean Architecture. A Craftman's Guide to Software Structure and Design},
  publisher =	 {Prentice Hall},
  year = 	 {2018},
  address = 	 {Boston}

  author = 	 {Melvin E. Conway},
  title = 	 {How do committees invent?},
  journal =	 DM,
  year = 	 {1968},
  volume = 	 {14},
  number = 	 {4},
  pages = 	 {28--31}

  author  = {Barbara H. Liskov AND Jeannette M. Wing},
  title   = {A behavioral notion of subtyping},
  journal = ACMTPLS,
  year    = {1994},
  volume  = {16},
  pages   = {1811--1841}

 author = {Barbara Liskov},
 title = {Data Abstraction and Hierarchy},
 journal = ACMSN,
 volume = {23},
 number = {5},
 year = {1987},
 pages = {17--34},
 doi = {10.1145/62139.62141}

  author = 	 {Nicolas P. Rougier AND Michael Droettboom AND Philip E. Bourne},
  title = 	 {Ten simple rules for better figures},
  journal =	 PLOSCB,
  year = 	 {2014},
  volume = 	 {10},
  pages = 	 {e1003833}

  editor = 	 	 {Peter Prechtl AND Franz-Peter Burkard},
  title = 	 	 {{Metzler Lexikon Philosophie}},
  publisher = 	 {J. B. Metzler},
  year = 	 	 2008,
  address = 	 {Stuttgart, Weimar},
  edition = 	 {3. Auflage}

  editor = 	 {Ian Mills AND Tomislav Cvita\v{s} AND Klaus Homan AND Nikola Kalay AND Kozo Kuchitsu},
  title = 	 {{Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry}},
  publisher =	 {Blackwell Science},
  year = 	 {1993},
  edition =  {second edition},
  address = 	 {Oxford}

  author = 		 {Hans Peter Willberg AND Friedrich Forssman},
  title = 		 {Lesetypografie},
  publisher = 	 {Verlag Hermann Schmidt},
  year = 		 {2010},
  edition = 	 {5. Auflage},
  address = 	 {Mainz},

  author = 		 {Hans Peter Willberg AND Friedrich Forssman},
  title = 		 {Erste Hilfe in Typografie},
  publisher = 	 {Verlag Hermann Schmidt},
  year = 		 {2007},
  edition = 	 {8. Auflage},
  address = 	 {Mainz},

  author = 		 {Friedrich Forssman AND de Jong, Ralf},
  title = 		 {Detailtypografie},
  publisher = 	 {Verlag Hermann Schmidt},
  year = 		 {2014},
  edition = 	 {5. Auflage},
  address = 	 {Mainz},

  author = 		 {Edward R. Tufte},
  title = 		 {The Visual Display of Quantiative Information},
  publisher = 	 {Graphics Press},
  year = 		 {2001},
  edition = 	 {Second Edition},
  address = 	 {Cheshire, Connecticut},

  author = 	 	 {Christian Hill},
  title = 	 	 {Learning Scientific Programming with Python},
  publisher = 	 {Cambridge University Press},
  year = 	 	 2015,
  address = 	 {Cambridge, UK}

  author = 	 	 {Wes McKinney},
  title = 	 	 {{Python for Data Analysis}},
  publisher = 	 {O'Reilly},
  year = 	 	 {2017},
  address = 	 {Sebastopol},
  edition = 	 {Second Edition}

  author = 	 	 {Jake VanderPlas},
  title = 	 	 {Python Data Science Handbook},
  publisher = 	 {O'Reilly},
  year = 	 	 {2016},
  address = 	 {Sebastopol}

  author = 	 	 {Allen B. Downey},
  title = 	 	 {Think Python},
  publisher = 	 {O'Reilly},
  year = 	 	 {2015},
  address = 	 {Sebastopol}

  author = 	 	 {Scott Chacon AND Ben Straub},
  title = 	 	 {Pro Git},
  publisher = 	 {Apress},
  year = 	 	 {2014},
  address = 	 {New York, NY},
  edition = 	 {2}

  author = 	 	 {David Beazley AND Brian K. Jones},
  title = 	 	 {Python Cookbook},
  publisher = 	 {O'Reilly},
  year = 	 	 {2013},
  address = 	 {Sebastopol, CA},
  edition = 	 {3}

  author = 	 	 {Michael T. Nygard},
  title = 	 	 {Release It! Second Edition},
  publisher = 	 {The Pragmatic Programmers},
  year = 	 	 {2018},
  address = 	 {Raleigh, NC}

  author = 	 	 {Brett Slatkin},
  title = 	 	 {Effective Python},
  publisher = 	 {Addison-Wesley},
  year = 	 	 {2015},
  address = 	 {Upper Saddle River, NJ}

  editor = 	 	 {Robert M. Ritter},
  title = 	 	 {New Oxford Style Manual},
  publisher = 	 {Oxford University Press},
  year = 	 	 {2012},
  address = 	 {Oxford, UK}

  editor = 	 	 {"The University of Chicago"},
  title = 	 	 {The Chicago Manual of Style},
  publisher = 	 {The University of Chicago Press},
  year = 	 	 {2010},
  address = 	 {Chicago}

  author = 	 {Kurt G{\"o}del},
  title = 	 {{Über formal unentscheidbare S{\"a}tze der Principia Mathematica und verwandter Systeme I}},
  journal =	 MHMP,
  year = 	 {1931},
  volume = 	 {38},
  pages = 	 {173--198}

  author      = {John Hughes},
  title       = {Why Functional Programming Matters},
  editor      = {David A. Turner},
  booktitle   = {Research Topics in Functional Programming},
  publisher   = {Addison-Wesley},
  address     = {Boston, MA},
  year        = 1990,
  chapter     = 2,
  pages       = {17--42},

  author = 	 {John Hughes},
  title = 	 {Why functional programming matters},
  journal =	 COMPJ,
  year = 	 {1989},
  volume = 	 {32},
  pages = 	 {98--107}

  author = 		 {Frank Buschmann AND Regine Meunier AND Hans Rohnert AND Peter Sommerlad AND Michael Stal},
  title = 		 {Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture. Volume 1: A System of Patterns},
  publisher =	 {John Wiley \&\ Sons},
  year = 		 {1996},
  address = 	 {Chichester}

  author = 		 {Douglas Adams},
  title = 		 {{The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. A Trilogy in Five Parts}},
  publisher =	 {Willian Heinemann},
  year = 		 {1995},
  address = 	 {London}

  author = 	 {David Goldberg},
  title = 	 {What every computer scientist should know about floating-point arithmetic},
  journal =	 ACMCS,
  year = 	 {1991},
  volume = 	 {23},
  pages = 	 {5--48}

  author = 	 {Michael C. Feathers},
  title = 	 {Working Effectively with Legacy Code},
  publisher = 	 {Prentice Hall},
  year = 	 {2005},
  address = 	 {Upper Saddle River, New Jersey}

  author = 	 {Cleve B. Moler},
  title = 	 {Numerical Computing with MATLAB},
  publisher = 	 {SIAM},
  year = 	 {2004},
  edition = 	 {revised reprint},
  address = 	 {Philadelphia},

  author = 	 {Steve Freeman AND Nat Pryce},
  title = 	 {Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests},
  publisher = 	 {Addison Wesley},
  year = 	 {2010},
  address = 	 {Upper Saddle River, New Jersey}

  author = 	 	 {Paul Graham},
  title = 	 	 {Hackers \& Painters},
  publisher = 	 {O'Reilly},
  year = 	 	 {2010},
  address = 	 {Sebastopol, CA}

  author = 	 	 {Tom DeMarco AND Timothy Lister},
  title = 	 	 {Peopleware. Productive Projects and Teams},
  publisher = 	 {Addison-Wesley},
  year = 	 	 {2013},
  address = 	 {Upper Saddle River, NJ},
  edition = 	 {3}

  author = 	 	 {Gerald M. Weinberg},
  title = 	 	 {The Psychology of Computer Programming. Silver Anniversary Edition},
  publisher = 	 {Dorset House Publishing},
  year = 	 	 {1998},
  address = 	 {New York, NY}

  author = 	 {Jean-Marc J{\'e}z{\'e}quel AND Bertrand Meyer},
  title = 	 {Design by contract: the lessons of {Ariane}},
  journal =	 COMP,
  year = 	 {1997},
  volume = 	 {30},
  pages = 	 {129--130}

  author = 	 {Edsger W. Dijkstra},
  title = 	 {The structure of the \enquote{THE}-multi"-programming system},
  journal =	 CACM,
  year = 	 {1968},
  volume = 	 {11},
  pages = 	 {341--346}

  author = 	 	 {Larry L. Constantine},
  title = 	 	 {The Peopleware Papers. Notes on the Human Side of Software},
  publisher = 	 {Yourdon Press},
  year = 	 	 {2001},
  address = 	 {Upper Saddle River, NJ}

  author = 	 	 {Edward Yourdon AND Larry L. Constantine},
  title = 	 	 {Structured Design. Fundamentals of a Discipline of Computer Program and Systems Design},
  publisher = 	 {Prentice Hall, Inc.},
  year = 	 	 {1979},
  address = 	 {Englewood Cliffs, NJ}

  author = 	 	 {Bo Leuf AND Ward Cunningham},
  title = 	 	 {The Wiki Way. Quick Collaboration on the Web},
  publisher = 	 {Addison-Wesley},
  year = 	 	 {2001},
  address = 	 {Upper Saddle River, NJ}

  author = 	 	 {Grady Booch},
  title = 	 	 {Object Solutions. Managing the Object-Oriented Project},
  publisher = 	 {Addison-Wesley},
  year = 	 	 {1996},
  address = 	 {Menlo Park, CA}

  author = 	 	 {Rebecca Wirfs-Brock AND Alan McKean},
  title = 	 	 {Object Design. Roles, Responsibilities, and Collaborations},
  publisher = 	 {Addison-Wesley},
  year = 	 	 {2003},
  address = 	 {Boston, MA}

  author = 	 	 {Immanuel Kant},
  title = 	 	 {Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft},
  note = 		 {Mit einer Einleitung herausgegeben von Konstantin Pollok},
  publisher = 	 {Felix Meiner Verlag},
  year = 	 	 {1997},
  address = 	 {Hamburg}

  editor = 	 	 {Victoria Stodden AND Friedrich Leisch AND Rodger D. Peng},
  title = 	 	 {Implementing Reproducible Research},
  publisher = 	 {CRC Press},
  year = 	 	 {2014},
  address = 	 {Boca Raton}

  author = 		 {Robert K. Merton},
  title = 		 {On the Shoulders of Giants. A Shandean Postscript},
  publisher =	 {The University of Chicago Press},
  year = 		 {1993},
  address = 	 {Chicago and London},
  edition = 	 {The Post-Italianate Edition}

  author = 		 {Ian Sommerville},
  title = 		 {Software Engineering},
  publisher =	 {Pearson},
  year = 		 {2018},
  edition = 	 {10., aktualisierte Auflage},
  address = 	 {Hallbergmoos}

  author = 		 {David Thomas AND Andrew Hunt},
  title = 		 {The Pragmatic Programmer},
  publisher =	 {Addison-Wesley},
  year = 		 {2020},
  edition = 	 {20th Anniversary Edition},
  address = 	 {Boston}

  author = 	 {James M. Osborne AND Miguel O. Bernabeu AND Maria Bruna AND Ben Calderhead AND Jonathan Cooper AND Neil Dalchau AND Sara-Jane Dunn AND Alexander G. Fletcher AND Robin Freeman AND Derek Groen AND Bernhard Knapp AND Greg J. McInerny AND Gary R. Mirams AND Joe Pitt-Francis AND Biswa Sengupta AND David W. Wright AND Christian A. Yates AND David J. Gavaghan AND Stephen Emmott AND Charlotte Deane},
  title = 	 {Ten simple rules for effective computational research},
  journal =	 PLOSCB,
  year = 	 {2014},
  volume = 	 {10},
  pages = 	 {e1003506}

  author = 	 {Morgan Taschuk AND Greg Wilson},
  title = 	 {Ten simple rules for making research software more robust},
  journal =	 PLOSCB,
  year = 	 {2017},
  volume = 	 {13},
  pages = 	 {e1005412},
  doi =		 {10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005412},
  keywords = {scientific software, robust, version numbers}

  author = 		 {Jan Ulrich Hasecke},
  title = 		 {Software-Dokumentation mit Sphinx},
  publisher =	 {},
  year = 		 {2019},
  address = 	 {Solingen}

  author = 	 {A. M. Turing},
  title = 	 {On computable numbers, with an application to the {Entscheidungsproblem}},
  journal =	 PLMS,
  year = 	 {1936},
  volume = 	 {42},
  pages = 	 {230--265},
  doi =		 {},
  keywords = {}

  author = 		 {Suely Oliveira AND David Stewart},
  title = 		 {Writing Scientiic Software. A Guide to Good Style},
  publisher =	 {Cambridge University Press},
  year = 		 {2006},
  address = 	 {Cambridge}

  author = 		 {Dan Bader},
  title = 		 {Python Tricks},
  publisher =	 {},
  year = 		 {2019},
  address = 	 {o.A.}

  author = 		 {Arthur Block},
  title = 		 {Murphy's Law and other reasons why things go wrong!},
  publisher =	 {Price/Stern/Sloan},
  year = 		 {1977},
  address = 	 {Los Angeles}

  author = 		 {T. S. Eliot},
  title = 		 {Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats},
  publisher =	 {Faber \& Faber},
  year = 		 {1987},
  address = 	 {London}

  author      = {Jack H. Freed},
  title       = {Theory of Slow Tumbling {ESR} Spectra for Nitroxides},
  editor      = {Lawrence J. Berliner},
  booktitle   = {Spin Labeling. Theory and Applications},
  publisher   = {Academic Press},
  address     = {Ney Work},
  year        = 1976,
  pages       = {53--132},

  author = 		 {Stewart Mader},
  title = 		 {Wikipatterns},
  publisher =	 {Wiley Publishing, Inc.},
  year = 		 {2008},
  address = 	 {Indianapolis, IN}

  author = 	 {Lutz Prechelt},
  title = 	 {An empirical comparison of seven programming languages},
  journal =	 COMP,
  year = 	 {2000},
  volume = 	 {33},
  pages = 	 {23--29}

  author = 	 {Gordon E. Moore},
  title = 	 {Cramming more components onto integrated circuits},
  journal =	 ELEC,
  year = 	 {1965},
  volume = 	 {38},
  pages = 	 {114--117},
  doi =		 {},
  keywords = {Moore's Law}

  author = 		 {Jorge Nocedal AND Stephen J. Wright},
  title = 		 {Numerical Optimization},
  publisher =	 {Springer},
  year = 		 {2006},
  edition = 	 {2},
  address = 	 {New York}

  author = 		 {David G. Luenberger AND Yunyu Ye},
  title = 		 {Linear and Nonlinear Programming},
  publisher =	 {Springer},
  year = 		 {2016},
  edition = 	 {4},
  address = 	 {Cham}

  author =  	 {Stefano Allesina AND Madlen Wilmes},
  title =   	 {Computing Skills for Biologists},
  publisher = 	 {Princeton University Press},
  year =    	 {2019},
  address = 	 {Princeton and Oxford}

  author =  	 {Serge Demeyer AND St{\'e}phane Ducasse AND Oscar Nierstrasz},
  title =   	 {Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns},
  publisher = 	 {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
  year =    	 {2003},
  address = 	 {San Francisco, CA}
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