Data format of the TA Toolbox

All datasets get stored and processed in a unique and standardised format inside the TA Toolbox. That means that all routines of the toolbox expect to get data in this particular format. This page is used to document this format specification.

The TAload routine serves as an interface between all data formats that can be handled by the TA Toolbox and the GUI. Therefore, the TAload routine outputs the data structure specified here.

<note important>All fields defined here need to be filled with sensible values by each of the actual importer functions. The structures (Matlab™ structs) returned from the TAload routine are directly appended to the „data“ field of the GUI data.</note>

Background: During the development, it appeared to be sensible not only to store the actual data (strictly speaking, a n×m matrix), but a set of additional informations together with the data as well. Partly, these data can be derived from the raw data, partly they should be documented in the corresponding labbook. Having these informations in a data structure together with the actual data has several advantages, starting with having full access to this information from the GUI.

Given that there are plans for developing a “laboratory information system” storing finally all sorts of information about samples and measurements, collecting those “meta data” may well pay off at some point.



Draft for the structure:

Later on, additional fields can be easily added here. Therefore, the description currently just goes into a cell array.
Best to use here the same format identifiers that are use in the TAload.ini file