
Installing the Toolbox

Installation is fairly simple, and has become even simpler lately with the new TAinstall function.

Of course you could just unzip the toolbox and add the paths manually to Matlab, but using the new TAinstall function might have some advantages, as outlined below.

If in a hurry

(c), Tkgd2007, (CC BY-SA 2.5) Get a ZIP archive of the toolbox, unzip it to a directory of choice, start Matlab, change to that directory where you unpacked the toolbox files to, change to the directory internal, type TAinstall and follow the dialogues. If you want to update an existing version of the toolbox, unzip the new files in the same directory and run TAinstall as well. This will update your local configuration files while preserving your personal settings. In any case, make sure that the installer could save the updated paths.

The installation routine TAinstall

Once you obtained the toolbox (in most cases a ZIP archive), unzip it to a directory of choice and change to that directory within the Matlab™ workspace.

From here, change to the directory internal and type TAinstall at the Matlab™ command line and follow the dialogues there:

>> cd internal
>> TAinstall


 WELCOME. This will install

     TA toolbox
     - a Matlab toolbox for transient absorption spectra  

 on your system.


Do you want to install the toolbox now? Y/n [Y]: 

This is the last chance to decide not to install the toolbox… ;-)

If you hit <key>Enter</key> or the <key>y</key> key (case doesn't matter), the installation programm will continue. Entering any other character will abort.

Please note: <key>Escape</key> and other special keys are not recognised by Matlab™ as valid answers. So if you want to abort, type any character that is not „y“.

If you decided to install, the installation routine will tell you about the progress:

Do you want to install the toolbox now? Y/n [Y]: y

Adding the following paths to the Matlab(tm) search path:


Saving path... done.

Congratulations! The TA Toolbox has been installed on your system.

Please, find below a bit of information about the current install.


 TA toolbox
 - a Matlab toolbox for transient absorption spectra  

 Release:         0.0.9 2012-02-05
 Directory:       /home/user/programs/Matlab/Toolboxen/TA
 Matlab version: (R2011b)
 Platform:        Mac OS X  Version: 10.6.8 Build: 10K549 

 Maintainer:      Till Biskup, <>

 Bug tracker:


Please note: The TAinstall routine tries to save the changes to the Matlab™ path, but if you are lucky to work on a real multi-user system with a central Matlab™ installation, you might not have write access to this file, called pathdef.m, that is normally located in $MATLABROOT/toolbox/local/, with $MATLABROOT being the directory your Matlab™ is installed in.

In this case the TAinstall routine will tell you that it had problems with writing the path, and that means that you have to do that manually. For more details about setting the Matlab™ path, refer to the Matlab™ help.

In any way it is highly recommended that you save the path, as otherwise you would have to run the installer every time you start Matlab™ to update the path and make Matlab™ knowing where the TA Toolbox is located. In short: The toolbox will not work if you don't set the paths correctly.

A note to updaters

If you unpack the new version of the toolbox in the same directory as an existing one, it is wise to call once TAinstall as well to get the configuration files updated. This will not delete your configuration settings, but rather preserving them. For more details about configuration files, see the information about the configuration.

Please note: You can run the TAinstall routine from every path in the Matlab, as long as the previous installation has been added to the Matlab search path.

The TAinstall routine will recognise if this is the case, and therefore behave slightly different. What follows is a short explanation of the differences.

>> TAinstall


 WELCOME. This will update

     TA toolbox
     - a Matlab toolbox for transient absorption spectra  

 on your system.


Do you want to update the toolbox now? Y/n [Y]:

Did you notice the subtle difference to what is described above for the case of a new installation?

Once again, this is the last chance to decide not to update the toolbox - at least not to run TAinstall;-)

If you hit <key>Enter</key> or the <key>y</key> key (case doesn't matter), the installation programm will continue. Entering any other character will abort.

Please note: <key>Escape</key> and other special keys are not recognised by Matlab™ as valid answers. So if you want to abort, type any character that is not „y“.

If you decided to update, the installation routine will tell you about the progress:

Do you want to update the toolbox now? Y/n [Y]: y

Refreshing the following paths in the Matlab(tm) search path:


Saving path... done.

Updating configuration... 

  merging TAgui.ini
  merging TAgui_ACCwindow.ini
  merging TAgui_AVGwindow.ini
  merging TAgui_MFEwindow.ini
  merging TAgui_fitwindow.ini


Congratulations! The TA Toolbox has been updated on your system.

Please, find below a bit of information about the current install.


 TA toolbox
 - a Matlab toolbox for transient absorption spectra  

 Release:         0.0.9 2012-02-05
 Directory:       /home/user/programs/Matlab/Toolboxen/TA
 Matlab version: (R2011b)
 Platform:        Mac OS X  Version: 10.6.8 Build: 10K549 

 Maintainer:      Till Biskup, <>

 Bug tracker:


Here, the most crucial difference (between slight changes in the words) is the following block:

Updating configuration... 

  merging TAgui.ini
  merging TAgui_ACCwindow.ini
  merging TAgui_AVGwindow.ini
  merging TAgui_MFEwindow.ini
  merging TAgui_fitwindow.ini


What happens here is that the TAinstall function reads your local configuration files, matches their contents to the configuration from the distributed (and probably updated) configuration and writes the new configuration.

Whereas this does not guarantee a complete smooth transition, especially if there were major changes in the internal organisation of some configuration files, normally that should be better than having to do all local settings again after an update.