
Fit GUI: Settings Panel

The settings panel allows you to control the appearance of many of the elements in the main axis.

Abbildung 1: The Settings panel of the Fit GUI of the TA Toolbox. Here you can control the appearance of different elements of the main axis, such as the different lines and the fit area.


Whether or not to display a grid in one or both directions, display a minor grid, and whether to show a line at zero.

Fit area

This lets you change the appearance (colour and transparency) of the fit areas.

The colour is displayed and can be set nearly arbitrarily by pressing <key>Palette</key>. The „Alpha“ value is the measure of transparency. It can be changed both with the slider or by directly entering a value in the edit field. Beware that valid values are between 0 (clear) and 1 (opaque).

Line settings

To change the way the different traces are displayed in the main axes, you can change here both colour and line settings, the latter being style, marker, and width.


Later on, there will be the possibility to save the (changed) settings to a configuration file.


To reset all settings to their default values, press this button. Note: There is no way to „undo“ this.