
ACC GUI: Settings Panel

The accumulation settings panel lets you set display options and further details in case the accumulation method “weighted” has been selected.

Figure 1: The Settings panel of the ACC GUI of the TA Toolbox. Here you can control the appearance of different elements of the main axis, such as the different lines, and set additional accumulation parameters.


This options let you define whether or not to display a grid and whether to show a horizontal line at zero. They are basically identical to the respective display settings of the main GUI.

Line settings

These settings let you define how the lines of the accumulated dataset in the 1D representations are displayed. In case of MFE data you can control here in detail the appearance of each of the three possible lines (MFoff, MFon, DeltaMF).

Weighting & S/N determination

If you choose “weighted” as accumulation method, you can control the limits of the weights and set the area that is used to determine the noise level of a dataset.

Please note: Currently, only the “cumulative” accumulation method is supported, therefore, these control have no meaning (yet).


Set here the lower and upper limits for the weights that are used in the weighted accumulation.

S/N determination

To determine the signal to noise ratio (S/N) it is necessary to specify a part of the dataset that counts for as noise to determine the noise amplitude. This will then be compared to the overall amplitude of the dataset.

Given a typical 2D dataset as obtained from TA spectroscopy, you can use the spectrum at the first point in time to determine the noise amplitude. For 1D datasets you need to choose an area of the axis. Be aware of that the settings for the noise area need to be such that they can be used for the accumulated dataset. Especially in case of 1D datasets, that means that you should choose an area small enough not to cover signal parts even in case the dimensions get cut due to not totally overlapping axes dimensions.

For convenience, you may type “end” instead of a number to get the last position (index) of a given dataset.

Save and Defaults buttons

If you press <key>Defaults</key>, that will reset all your settings to the defaults as read from the respective configuration file of this GUI.

The <key>Save</key> button will allow you in the future to save your altered settings to the configuration file.