
A few general remarks regarding the format of the info files.

Criteria for the file format

General description of the file format

For those who like to see something, rather than reading (dull and) lengthly description: an example can be found further below.

Following a general description of the file format.

This is a rather ideal case. Therefore, in reality it is not meant to be a strict rule, but rather a recommendation.
The only exception are currently (round) brackets. If there is need for further special characters, parsing of those could be implemented as well. Reason for the restriction is the (direct) conversion of the field names in MATLAB® structs.
Example: “Preparation” rather than “Sample preparation” in block “SAMPLE”. On the one hand, field names are much shorter this way, on the other hand, the file becomes easier to read.
In general, whenever possible one should avoid using special characters, as they normally don't survive different file encodings. Until very recently, Matlab used different encodings with different operating systems.
E.g., a field that might be relevant depending on the type of experiment, and only for certain experiments contains no value. In such case it is highly recommended to keep the field, as otherwise one forgets about it.